Domestic Violence Protection

Price: $250.00

Group bookings Discount for 20 person: $2500

Domestic violence is the number one social issue in Australia and around the world today. With the increase of alcohol and drug addiction and financial hardship, families are being torn apart at an unprecidented rate. Police, hospitals and courts are all overwhelmed with this ongoing social epidemic.


Aggression can be emotional, financial, physical and / or sexual. Learn how to protect yourself from a controlling abusive partner.

Learn the skills to protect yourself and your kids:

  • Verbal tactics (talk an aggressive person down)
  • Conflict resolution (defuse potentially violent situations)
  • Risk Management (assess every threat and understand the impact)
  • Plan for an attack (Know what to do before an attack)
  • Law (what is Assault, Trespass, Arrest, Family Protection Act)
  • Respond to threats (respond to threats to kill, kidnap or harm)
  • elf Defence Skills (learn to physically defend yourself, your childeren and stop the attacker)