ICE, Drug And Alcohol Protection

Price: $250.00

Group bookings Discount for 20 person: $2500

In this course you will learn how to protect yourself when confronted with a person who is affected by ICE, other drugs or alcohol. Learn how to communicate in a way that will not trigger aggression towards you. You will learn the aggressive bell curve and how to respond if the affected person becomes aggressive towards you.


Subjects covered:

  • Types of drugs and how they effect the brain and body.
  • Levels of intoxication 1 – 10 and how to treat the person at each level.
  • Learn how to communicate with an intoxicated person (dos & don’ts)
  • Learn when to call emergency services – Police or Ambulance
  • Learn to deal with conflict and aggression with intoxicated people
  • Learn how to defend yourself and escape from intoxicated people.